The Missing Narrative:
Multilingual Learner Stories that will Empower, Develop, Inspire, and Transform YOU!
At Soy La Esperanza, LLC we are invested in telling the stories of students who were once multilingual learners and now taking the world by storm. These are students who our founder has either taught directly or that he helped guide as a school leader. These are the stories that we do not hear about often, but that more of our multilingual learners currently in the school system should be listening to. They are also stories that school personnel can use to develop a deeper understanding of their multilingual learners. These are stories of empowerment, stories of deep struggle and development, stories that will inspire you, and without a doubt transform the narrative you may have had in your head about multilingual learners. Join us in exploring and navigating the complexities of being a multilingual learner in the American education system.
More stories coming soon, stay tuned!